Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Most of the day was spend brain storming and trying to find a target audience, a target audience must be thought of before design begins because in a real life work situation that would be the case. I am not a big card buyer unless it is mothers day or my mothers or grandmothers birthday. i would very rarely purchase a card for my friends for semi-irrelevant occasions such as: thank you card, birthday, Easter etc.

After looking at certai

the above poster design was short and sharp so that the viewer can take in the information at a glance, however the information is far to minimal. "the house always wins" is not explicit enough, the viewer is aware that the house always wins but is not aware why this is a bad thing? this poster does not have enough context.

My final photography based poster is far more explicit. "A picture speaks a thousand words" no better quote to describe the transformation that has occurred in this final design. the second poster had copy that made a statement. but this left the viewer to use there imagination for example "why does the house always win?" and "so what if it does?" would the viewer instinctively go to the negative side of the house always winning? i think this final design shows very clearly a gambler who is down on his luck and the copy merely backs up what the image has already said. the image says "this could happen to you!" and the copy says "because of gambling"
Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Adbusters on many occasions in the early 21st Century flipped an ad campaign, changing either the text to convey a new message or change the image so that the text takes on a whole new meaning. A good example of this was the Mc Donald's anti ad. I think essentially my poster will be an anti advertising advertisement. Rather then tell the observer what to think or what to do its aim is to inform the observer and prompt them to look again, think again.
"You'd be jumpy, too, if the McLibel Two were on your case. The famous British trial is now the longest running civil case in the country's history. Dave Morris and Helen Steel were charged in 1990 by the restaurant chain for distributing a pamphlet McDonald's claimed was full of "lies" - accusing McDonald's of union breaking, environmental crimes, animal abuse and exploitation of children. It's quite an accomplished bit of counter-propaganda."
Thursday, 2 October 2008
(Learning outcome 1)
"Choose a social issue that in your opinion has been over looked and needs addressing."
Have chosen to create an A3 poster challenging the governments decision to allow an endless bombardment of advertisements depicting gambling, specifically online gaming sites. I have began brain storming and have so far come up with a lot of statistics relating to just how many people in the U.K. have a gambling addiction and how much the average debt of a gambler is. These results have joined up with one of my earlier thoughts of reflecting the current economic crisis because a person in debt is a person in great need!
"It is within the power of writers and artists to do much more: to defeat the lie!"
"Today is our big moment in court. Ever since the first issue of Adbusters was published seventeen years ago we've been fighting to break the corporate monopoly on access to the airwaves. After countless delays, and over $100,000 spent on legal fees, we've arrived at a critical juncture in the case. At issue is our freedom of speech on the most powerful social communications medium of our time, television.""Gambling Commission publishes statistics on participation in remote gambling"
"Key findings include:
- In 2006 nearly 8% of adults said they took part in at least one form of remote gambling, including the National Lottery, in the previous month. This falls to under 6% if those only gambling on the National Lottery are excluded. The remaining 92% of respondents said they had not participated in any form of remote gambling.
- The National Lottery is the main activity for remote gambling, with over 5% of respondents saying they had gambled remotely on the Lottery in the previous month, which is around two and half times the next most popular activities of on line poker and remote betting (horses, football etc).
- Those participating are more likely to be male than female and aged 18-34.
- Remote gambling via a computer, laptop or handheld device was most popular (5.2% of all adult respondents gambling this way in the previous month), followed by gambling via mobile phone (2.2%) and interactive/digital TV (1.7%).
According to the Office for National Statistics, the number of UK households with internet access has risen from 39 per cent in 2001 to an estimated 57 per cent in April 2006 and UK businesses reported a fivefold increase in the value of internet sales between 2001 and 2005."
"Gambling Debt in the UK"
"At the extreme end of the scale problem gambling can lead to severe debt, bankruptcy and even attempted suicides when an individual sees no way back from their debt.""The following points can help tackle debt and control excessive gambling:
- Stop gambling when addressing your debt problems
- Take responsibility for your gambling and debt
- Share your problems with someone you trust and could support you
- Ask someone you trust to look after your bank cards for a period of time
- If necessary destroy your credit card"
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